Better ratings for Goodreads
Goodreads has a five star rating system, which I frequently use, but don’t like. My problem with it is that ratings below ★★★ usually mean “I didn’t read the book”, and ★★★★★ often means “I’m a fanboy and will give 5 stars to anything that mentions Star Wars”. So here is my improved rating system:
★★★★★★★ It was mind blowing. Stop whatever you are doing and start reading this book now.
★★★★★★ It was absolutely amazing. I enjoyed every moment with this book and couldn’t stop reading it.
★★★★★ I really liked it. It had some twists and interruptions.
★★★★ I successfully completed the book.
★ Didn’t read it. No reason to lie here, I tried hard, but didn’t work. No need to chose between ★, ★★ and ★★★ – they are all the same. Didn’t read it.
And the special rating that completes the rating system:
10 ★ – This very special book mentions Star Wars, Batman, Teenage Vampires, also K.J. Rowling saw me typing one of the pages. It is one of those spiritual books that is fancy to have on my Facebook profile. I’ve heard about it, I’ve never seen it, and I vote 10 ★. I love books!
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Виж всички новини от 2014/04/03