10/18/12 16:35
A €10,000 electric car made in Bulgaria will be on the market as of November
A €10,000 electric car assembled in Bulgaria will become available on the market at the end of November, Ilia Levkov, Chairperson of the Electromobile Industrial Cluster said during an appearance on a Bulgaria ON AIR morning show. In his view, the electromobile sector has the potential to become one of Bulgaria's economic engines if the country follows the plan Government ministers approved on Wednesday. Levkov also explained that Bulgaria can do infinitely more where development of electric cars is concerned, pointing to the production of electric vehicles, batteries and control mechanisms. Bulgaria is among nine different EU member-states which issued a written statement in support of making electric mobility in Europe a priority, Grisha Zahariev, head of Investment, Innovations and Entrepreneurship at the Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism, told Focus radio in relation to Bulgaria's recently approved Electric Car Promotion Plan. Zahariev clarified that the plan encourages production, as well as usage of this type of vehicles. According to him, it will have a positive effect on other areas of the economy as well. "The introduction of environmentally-friendly vehicles will help reduce greenhouse gas emissions significantly, given that transport is one of the main sources of pollution in the atmosphere." A preferential annual tax for vehicles based on their green features is also on the agenda, Grisha Zahariev added.Прочети цялата новина
Публикувана на 10/18/12 16:35 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/213762_A+%E2%82%AC10%2C000+electric+car+made+in+Bulgaria+will+be+on+the+market+as+of+November+
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