12/06/12 16:37
Sarafovo terrorists' false documents were made in Bulgaria
The bomber at Bourgas Airport and the other suspects entered Bulgaria with their real ID, Prime Minister Boyko Borissov told reporters in Tsarevo. He said that the bomber and the other suspects forged their documents in our country. They had visited Bulgaria several times. They had rented apartments, hotels and cars with false documents and had left the county with their real ones. After the disclosure of the bomber's identity, we will be able to figure out the entire scheme of the bombing near Bourgas Airport, the Prime Minister said.So far, we know which individuals associated with the attack have come to Bulgaria. We know where they have resided, we know who they are associated with and we know their relationships with the one who committed suicide. In order to provide further information, we will have to verify the identity of the bomber, Borissov said.
July's bombing killed five Israelis and the Bulgarian bus driver and wounded 32 Israeli civilians. Israeli and American intelligence officers ascribed the suicide bombing in Bourgas to Hezbollah and Iran.
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Публикувана на 12/06/12 16:37 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/217974_Sarafovo+terrorists%27+false+documents+were+made+in+Bulgaria
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