01/06/13 16:33
Proshko Proshkov: The referendum is just a preparation for the manipulation of the elections
The purpose of the referendum is for no criminal liability to be sought for the BGN 3 billion spent so far in vain on the Belene NPP, Proshkov explained. He described the situation as a "pointless political exercise." According to Proshko Proshkov, no clear answer has been given to the questions how much the construction of the Belene NPP will cost and how long it will be paid for. Proshkov also mentioned that the Kozloduy NPP is currently under procedures for the implementation of the 7th power plant unit, which confirms that the decision of the referendum will have no significance.
We call for a boycott of the referendum, so that, in the future, we can have a real referendum, Proshkov continued. And, in order to return the gesture of those who are now mocking us with high election activity, he added. "Borissov seems to have achieved perfection in terms of managing to escape from political responsibility. The same applies to Stanishev. We do not want that the referendum to be vitiated for good in our country," said Proshkov.
"It should be made clear that anyone who votes in the referendum votes for the nuclear mafia," said Professor Velislav Minekov, MP of the Movement Bulgaria for Citizens. "Currently, there are 530 nuclear capacity projects and 460 are being implemented in less developed countries like Bulgaria. What unites these countries is the high level of corruption," he said. According to him, the construction of new nuclear plants poses a much greater risk of corruption than any other project in the country.
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Публикувана на 01/06/13 16:33 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/220773_Proshko+Proshkov%3A+The+referendum+is+just+a+preparation+for+the+manipulation+of+the+elections
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