Balkan Developments
The leftist Syriza party in Greece has been losing supporters and was overtaken by its main political rival New Democracy, a recent sociological survey shows. Syriza was overtaken by the New Democracy for the first time since former Premier Alexis Tsipras resigned. Syriza is likely to earn 25% of the votes at the early elections on September 20, while the conservative new Democracy Party will probably win 25.3% of all votes, the results of the new poll of GPO polling agency show. The decision of Alexis Tsipras to demand early Parliamentary elections may influence negatively his party, Reuters comments.
Turkey will continue to cooperate with international coalition against Islamic State
The Turkish National Security Council voiced its intentions to continue the joint operation with the international coalition against the Islamic State in Syria. The council came up with the statement that Turkey will continue to fight vigorously the terrorist organization based in Iraq and Syria and that the project of an Area Free of Terrorist Groups on the border with Syria will play an important role in the protection of the rights of the Syrian people.
Serbia will not argue with friends for the sake of its EU accession
The conflict with traditional friends and partners for the sake of Serbia’s membership in the European Union would be equal to political suicide for that country, Serbia’s Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said. Minister Dacic was asked whether the country’s participation in joint military trainings with Russia and Belarus would affect its European integration. The EU is not a military alliance, Minister Dacic replied. Ivica Dacic also noted that NATO did not make any objections to these trainings.
Kosovo insists on establishment of Union of Albanian Municipalities in South Serbia
Kosovo’s Minister Without Portfolio Edita Tahiri who is responsible for the country’s dialogue with Belgrade said that since both countries negotiated the establishment of the Association of the Serb-majority Municipalities in Kosovo they should also agree on the establishment of the Union of Albanian Municipalities in South Serbia between the three municipalities in Presevo Valley, populated mainly with ethnical Albanians. In Minister’s Tahiri’s view the Serbian government continues to violate the rights of the Albanians living in Presevo valley.
Nearly 60,000 refugees cross Macedonia on their way to Western Europe
Macedonia’s Ministry of Interior announced that over 57,000 refugees from the Middle East and North Africa crossed Macedonia on their way to Western Europe, of whom nearly 39,000 men, 8,000 women and 10,000 children. Most immigrants came from Syria - nearly 46,000. The number of the registered people from Afghanistan amounted to 3,000, from Iraq -2,600, from Pakistan - 1,600. Some refugees came from Palestine, Somalia, Bangladesh, Congo, Nigeria, Cameroon, Eritrea and Ethiopia.
USA insist on independent special prosecutor in Skopje
The US Embassy in Skopje called on the Macedonian cabinet and all political parties to prevent any actions aimed at restricting the full independence of the special prosecutor. We expect that all legal procedures in Macedonia will be carried out in full observance of the national and the international law, including the adequate judiciary practice set by the European Convention on Human Rights, the announcement of the USA embassy to Macedonia further reads.
Written by: Stoimen Pavlov
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