Gabrovo hosts 13th International Folk Crafts Fair

"We have many new exhibitors, which is satisfying for us”, says Blagovesta Bozhinova from the architectural-ethnographic complex. “We have nearly 80 masters from almost the entire country, as well as record international participation. Our visitors will see artists from Japan, South Korea, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Romania, Russia, Scotland, Ukraine, Italy and Syria, which will make this year's fair very colourful. The traditional competition which we organize this year will be between masters in wood carving. The winner will receive The Silver Cow-bell grand prize and the right of exhibiting in the museum. We have also prepared a rich folklore program for the guests featuring renowned artists like Nikolina Chakardakova and the Nevrokop Dance Ensemble, Thrace ensemble as well. The program also includes the Folk magic incredible show of the State Puppet Theatre of Stara Zagora."
What’s new at this year’s fair is the First National Meeting of the master producers of folk musical instruments with the special participation of the Folk Music Orchestra of the Bulgarian National Radio. Its organizers are Etara complex and Rodolyubie (Patriotism) music company.
"The meeting will have a competitive nature. A special jury composed of some of the best instrumentalists from the Folk Music Orchestra of the National Radio will determine the winner in five categories - bagpipe, shepherd’s flute (kaval), tambourine, drum and gadulka (rebec). The event will end with an open-air contest on 5 September. The official opening of the International Fair of Crafts will also be on September 5, Saturday, at 11 am on the lawn in front of the museum”, explains Blagovesta Bojinova.
This year the fair is dedicated to the European Heritage Days. In this regard a special International Scientific Conference has been organized on Traditional Crafts - past, present and future. It will be attended by 37 ethnographers and historians from the country and abroad.
"We are very pleased that the Ministry of Culture has chosen precisely our event for the European days of culture, because I think that people are increasingly interested in crafts," says Bozhinova.
According to her, one of the most curious foreign crafts and products that the visitors will see are hand-made traditional dolls, tempting sweets of an Italian pastry master who came especially for the event and the painting of icons on glass, a craft which is typical and common in Romania, but unknown to Bulgaria.
English Rossitsa Petcova
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