Vassil Naydenov - a symbol of professionalism, expressiveness and unique presence

The disco music flourished in the beginning of the 1980's. However, some celebrated Bulgarian authors and musicians were not prepared for that new trend which involved a lot of dancing on stage. That is why the first successful Bulgarian hits came from the younger music generation. In this aspect we can say that this trend involved Vasil Naydenov's songs such as Burzash Nyama Vreme (In a hurry), Vsichko Mi e Nared (I have no problems), Rally, Mejduchasie (Break), Na More (Sea Holiday) and many others.
A series of events contributed to the great career of Vasil Naydenov. It would be naive to claim that his great success was only due to the fact that he has a university degree in music, he plays on the piano and that his passion for music has genetic roots. All of the above can be a substantial precondition for his successful music career, but can not predetermine the attitude of thousands of Bulgarian music fans towards him. I will try to summarize the qualities that contributed to his great career starting with the artistic presence on the stage. I witnessed many time how Vasko polishes the smallest details of his behavior on stage. It is enough to take a good listen to the song Purvi Petli by Stefan Dimitrov and you will find out how perfect the two parts of the song are, especially the first one, where Vasko pours his soul into Mihail Belchev's wonderful lyrics. Vasil Naydenov sings with his heart and his soul and people have the feeling that he sings with every single piece of his body.
I Utre e Den is a song composed by Nayden Andreev. Vasil Naydenov recorded and performed this song for the first time 30 years ago. The piece was inspired and developed just like all other pieces in his music repertoire. Vasko showed everyone that the seemingly easy music genre can in fact be really serious.
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