09/08/15 09:45
Authorities Postpone Extradition of Bulgarian Suspected in Migrant Truck Deaths

Authorities postponed the extradition of Tsvetan Tsvetanov, one of the four Bulgarians arrested over the alleged trafficking of the 71 migrants, whose dead bodies were found in an abandoned truck in Austria at the end of August.
The extradition of Tsvetanov, who was detained in the Bulgarian town of Lom last week, was postponed with ten days by the court in Montana, private bTV station reports.
The prosecutor's office in Montana requires more information from Austrian authorities and a guarantee that Tsvetanov can be returned to Bulgaria.
The Bulgarian is facing three charges, including an accusation for intentional murder of a large number of people.
According to Bulgarian authorities, Austria has not sent all the necessary documents related to the request for extradition.
The extradition of Tsvetanov, who was detained in the Bulgarian town of Lom last week, was postponed with ten days by the court in Montana, private bTV station reports.
The prosecutor's office in Montana requires more information from Austrian authorities and a guarantee that Tsvetanov can be returned to Bulgaria.
The Bulgarian is facing three charges, including an accusation for intentional murder of a large number of people.
According to Bulgarian authorities, Austria has not sent all the necessary documents related to the request for extradition.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/257245_Authorities+Postpone+Extradition+of+Bulgarian+Suspected+in+Migrant+Truck+Deaths
Публикувана на 09/08/15 09:45 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/257245_Authorities+Postpone+Extradition+of+Bulgarian+Suspected+in+Migrant+Truck+Deaths
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