09/08/15 09:37
Kuneva: Local elections would have been much secured if anti-corruption bill had passed first reading vote

" Local elections would have been much secured, if the anti-corruption draft bill had passed the first reading vote, because people would have been much calm due to greater control." That is what Deputy Prime Minister for Coordination of European Policies and Institutional Affairs, Meglena Kuneva, said for BNT television.
“If local elections are considered as a stake for passing of such an important law, then so much the worse for us. This is a missed opportunity to stand on our principles rather than digging into the situation,” Deputy Prime Minister Kuneva said.
In her words, this builds a gap between the people who make policy and those who watch them, they see what happens and cannot react.
“If local elections are considered as a stake for passing of such an important law, then so much the worse for us. This is a missed opportunity to stand on our principles rather than digging into the situation,” Deputy Prime Minister Kuneva said.
In her words, this builds a gap between the people who make policy and those who watch them, they see what happens and cannot react.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/257244_Kuneva%3A+Local+elections+would+have+been+much+secured+if+anti-corruption+bill+had+passed+first+reading+vote
Публикувана на 09/08/15 09:37 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/257244_Kuneva%3A+Local+elections+would+have+been+much+secured+if+anti-corruption+bill+had+passed+first+reading+vote
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