09/08/15 11:09
Lukarski: UDF decides to nominate established and proven individuals for the coming elections

“The National Council of the United Democratic Forces (UDF) came to conclusion, within the frame of the joint registration of the Reformist Bloc, to appear at the local elections with well-known, established and proven individuals who enjoy the support of voters.” That is what Chairman of UDF, Bozhidar Lukarski, said for Kanal 3 television.
“You know that we decided on a joint registration of the Reformist Bloc for participation in the local elections, so there will be both new and old persons,” he specified.
Asked whether the UDF will lose their positions due to the joint registration, Mr Lukarski said:
“Generally speaking the UDF is the oldest political party in the right political space and as part of the Reformist Bloc it has the strongest local structures, so it has the most councillors. In purely party aspect, in term of the joint registration, UDF will probably lose at the expense of other colleagues from the bloc. That is the price of unity and we are ready to pay it,”
“You know that we decided on a joint registration of the Reformist Bloc for participation in the local elections, so there will be both new and old persons,” he specified.
Asked whether the UDF will lose their positions due to the joint registration, Mr Lukarski said:
“Generally speaking the UDF is the oldest political party in the right political space and as part of the Reformist Bloc it has the strongest local structures, so it has the most councillors. In purely party aspect, in term of the joint registration, UDF will probably lose at the expense of other colleagues from the bloc. That is the price of unity and we are ready to pay it,”
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/257247_Lukarski%3A+UDF+decides+to+nominate+established+and+proven+individuals+for+the+coming+elections
Публикувана на 09/08/15 11:09 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/257247_Lukarski%3A+UDF+decides+to+nominate+established+and+proven+individuals+for+the+coming+elections
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