09/10/15 13:23
Bulgarian Authorities Detain 29 Refugees from Syria, Iraq Near Burgas

Bulgarian authorities detained two groups of refugees numbering a total of 29 people from Syria and Iraq on the main road to Turkey near the city of Burgas.
One of the groups, which consisted of nine people identifying themselves as Iraqi citizens, was uncovered by foresters in the area of the village of Marinka.
Earlier on Thursday, foresters uncovered another group of refugees in the woods between the villages of Novo Panicharevo and Yasna Polyana.
This group consisted of twenty people identifying themselves as Syrians, four of them being adults, the rest children aged between six and seventeen.
The refugees will be interrogated before a judge to establish how and where they crossed into Bulgarian territory.
One of the groups, which consisted of nine people identifying themselves as Iraqi citizens, was uncovered by foresters in the area of the village of Marinka.
Earlier on Thursday, foresters uncovered another group of refugees in the woods between the villages of Novo Panicharevo and Yasna Polyana.
This group consisted of twenty people identifying themselves as Syrians, four of them being adults, the rest children aged between six and seventeen.
The refugees will be interrogated before a judge to establish how and where they crossed into Bulgarian territory.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/257374_Bulgarian+Authorities+Detain+29+Refugees+from+Syria%2C+Iraq+Near+Burgas+
Публикувана на 09/10/15 13:23 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/257374_Bulgarian+Authorities+Detain+29+Refugees+from+Syria%2C+Iraq+Near+Burgas+
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