09/10/15 13:08
Bulgarian Socialist Party expels MP Georgi Kadiev

Parliamentary group of the Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) expelled MP Georgi Kadiev from its line-up. BSP MP Atanas Merdzhanov announced the news.
Mr Merdzhanov explained that the decision was adopted unanimously with 35 votes in support of the measure.
Earlier Mr Kadiev informed journalists that he would become independent member of the parliament until the local elections on October 25.
BSP’s move came over Georgi Kadiev’s decision to run for mayor of the capital city Sofia independently. The party already presented its nomination for mayor of Sofia – Professor Mihail Mirchev.
Mr Merdzhanov explained that the decision was adopted unanimously with 35 votes in support of the measure.
Earlier Mr Kadiev informed journalists that he would become independent member of the parliament until the local elections on October 25.
BSP’s move came over Georgi Kadiev’s decision to run for mayor of the capital city Sofia independently. The party already presented its nomination for mayor of Sofia – Professor Mihail Mirchev.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/257370_Bulgarian+Socialist+Party+expels+MP+Georgi+Kadiev
Публикувана на 09/10/15 13:08 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/257370_Bulgarian+Socialist+Party+expels+MP+Georgi+Kadiev
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