09/10/15 09:15
Kindergarten director in Bulgaria’s capital investigated for publishing Quran quotations on website

A disciplinary proceeding has been initiated against the director of the 44th Kalina Kindergarten in the Bulgarian capital city Sofia. Deputy Mayor of Sofia Dr Todor Chobanov announced the information speaking for bTV commenting on the news that quotation of the Quran had been published on the official website of the kindergarten.
“We approached the institutions in charge right after we received this information. A commission was established with representatives of the Sofia Education Inspectorate with the Ministry of Education. We also filed a signal to the Child Protection Agency, the State Agency for National Security (SANS) and all the rest of the institutions we work with,” the deputy mayor explained.
He added that the commission started working on the case yesterday.
“We hope that we will have results that will solve the case,” Dr Chobanov remarked. “We are obliged to investigate such cases. A disciplinary proceeding was initiated against the director of the kindergarten. The same director was sacked for financial and administrative violations in the past but the court reinstated him on the job,” he commented further.
“We approached the institutions in charge right after we received this information. A commission was established with representatives of the Sofia Education Inspectorate with the Ministry of Education. We also filed a signal to the Child Protection Agency, the State Agency for National Security (SANS) and all the rest of the institutions we work with,” the deputy mayor explained.
He added that the commission started working on the case yesterday.
“We hope that we will have results that will solve the case,” Dr Chobanov remarked. “We are obliged to investigate such cases. A disciplinary proceeding was initiated against the director of the kindergarten. The same director was sacked for financial and administrative violations in the past but the court reinstated him on the job,” he commented further.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/257366_Kindergarten+director+in+Bulgaria%E2%80%99s+capital+investigated+for+publishing+Quran+quotations+on+website
Публикувана на 09/10/15 09:15 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/257366_Kindergarten+director+in+Bulgaria%E2%80%99s+capital+investigated+for+publishing+Quran+quotations+on+website
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