09/11/15 12:05
Bulgaria Had Negative Balance of Trade in 2014

The final figures on foreign trade for 2014, which were released by the National Statistical Institute (NSI) on Friday, reveal that Bulgaria had a negative balance of trade with imports exceeding exports.
In 2014, the value of exported goods amounted to BGN 43.2 B, which represented a decrease of 0.7 % compared to 2013.
When comparing the monthly figures for 2014 with the corresponding months of the previous year, the largest growth in exports was registered in December (9.7 %), while the greatest drop was recorded in January (11 %).
The value of imported goods in 2014 amounted to BGN 51.1 B, which represented an increase of 1.2 % compared to 2013.
The largest growth in imports was registered in August (11.1 %), while the greatest decrease was reported in February (5.9 %).
The balance of trade for 2014 was negative BGN 7.9 B
Compared to 2013, Bulgarian exports of fats, oils and waxes from animal and plant origin increased the most (11.7 %), while the export of unprocessed (raw) materials unsuitable for consumption (excluding fuels) dropped the most.
The import of articles classified according to the type of material increased the most (10 %), while the imports of fats, oils and waxes dropped the most.
The Bulgarian exports to the EU amounted to BGN 26.9 B, which represented an increase of 3.1 % compared to 2013.
The main trading partners of Bulgaria were Germany, Italy, Romania, Greece, France and Belgium, which together made up 70.6 % of the country's exports to the EU.
The Bulgarian imports from the EU amounted to BGN 31.5 B, which represented an increase of 4.5 % compared to the previous year.
The greatest volume of goods was imported from Germany, Italy, Romania, Greece and Spain.
The trade of balance with countries of the EU was negative BGN 4.6 B.
Compared to 2013, the export of chemical substances and products registered the greatest increase (13.6 %), while the import of various ready products grew the most (8.5 %).
The Bulgarian exports to third countries amounted to BGN 16.3 B, which represented a decrease of 6.5 % compared to 2013.
The main trading partners of Bulgaria were Turkey, Singapore, China, Russia, Serbia and Macedonia, which together accounted for 53.1 % of exports to third countries.
The Bulgarian imports from third countries amounted to BGN 19.6 B, which represented a decrease of 3.8 % compared to 2013.
The greatest volume of goods was imported from Russia, Turkey, China, Ukraine and Serbia.
The trade of balance with third countries was negative BGN 3.3 B.
In 2014, the value of exported goods amounted to BGN 43.2 B, which represented a decrease of 0.7 % compared to 2013.
When comparing the monthly figures for 2014 with the corresponding months of the previous year, the largest growth in exports was registered in December (9.7 %), while the greatest drop was recorded in January (11 %).
The value of imported goods in 2014 amounted to BGN 51.1 B, which represented an increase of 1.2 % compared to 2013.
The largest growth in imports was registered in August (11.1 %), while the greatest decrease was reported in February (5.9 %).
The balance of trade for 2014 was negative BGN 7.9 B
Compared to 2013, Bulgarian exports of fats, oils and waxes from animal and plant origin increased the most (11.7 %), while the export of unprocessed (raw) materials unsuitable for consumption (excluding fuels) dropped the most.
The import of articles classified according to the type of material increased the most (10 %), while the imports of fats, oils and waxes dropped the most.
The Bulgarian exports to the EU amounted to BGN 26.9 B, which represented an increase of 3.1 % compared to 2013.
The main trading partners of Bulgaria were Germany, Italy, Romania, Greece, France and Belgium, which together made up 70.6 % of the country's exports to the EU.
The Bulgarian imports from the EU amounted to BGN 31.5 B, which represented an increase of 4.5 % compared to the previous year.
The greatest volume of goods was imported from Germany, Italy, Romania, Greece and Spain.
The trade of balance with countries of the EU was negative BGN 4.6 B.
Compared to 2013, the export of chemical substances and products registered the greatest increase (13.6 %), while the import of various ready products grew the most (8.5 %).
The Bulgarian exports to third countries amounted to BGN 16.3 B, which represented a decrease of 6.5 % compared to 2013.
The main trading partners of Bulgaria were Turkey, Singapore, China, Russia, Serbia and Macedonia, which together accounted for 53.1 % of exports to third countries.
The Bulgarian imports from third countries amounted to BGN 19.6 B, which represented a decrease of 3.8 % compared to 2013.
The greatest volume of goods was imported from Russia, Turkey, China, Ukraine and Serbia.
The trade of balance with third countries was negative BGN 3.3 B.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/257443_Bulgaria+Had+Negative+Balance+of+Trade+in+2014
Публикувана на 09/11/15 12:05 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/257443_Bulgaria+Had+Negative+Balance+of+Trade+in+2014
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