09/11/15 12:42
Over 1.5 Million Passengers Pass Through Bulgarian-Greek Border Checkpoints in August
Over 1.5 million passengers have passed through all the checkpoints on the Bulgarian-Greek border in the month of August, said the Border Police on Friday. Traffic was ten times more intense than in the winter months of January and February.
According to the data presented by the Border Police, over 3.5 million passengers have crossed via the Makaza border checkpoint between Bulgaria and Greece since its opening in September of 2013.
The Kulata border crossing remains the busiest between the two countries. Almost 590,000 passengers and 206,000 cars have passed through it both ways in August. Traffic at the Makaza crossing has reached 531,000 passengers in August, with the majority being Bulgarian, Romanian and Greek tourists. LI/MY
According to the data presented by the Border Police, over 3.5 million passengers have crossed via the Makaza border checkpoint between Bulgaria and Greece since its opening in September of 2013.
The Kulata border crossing remains the busiest between the two countries. Almost 590,000 passengers and 206,000 cars have passed through it both ways in August. Traffic at the Makaza crossing has reached 531,000 passengers in August, with the majority being Bulgarian, Romanian and Greek tourists. LI/MY
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/257445_Over+1.5+Million+Passengers+Pass+Through+Bulgarian-Greek+Border+Checkpoints+in+August+
Публикувана на 09/11/15 12:42 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/257445_Over+1.5+Million+Passengers+Pass+Through+Bulgarian-Greek+Border+Checkpoints+in+August+
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