09/11/15 09:42
Russia put Bulgarian foreign policy to a test: expert

“Russia put Bulgarian foreign policy to a test,” said General Miho Mihov, MP with the ABV party and chairperson of the parliamentary committee on defence, speaking for bTV in a commentary on Bulgaria’s decision to close its airspace for Russian aircraft with shipment to Syria.
“The Foreign Ministry has the right to defend one or another foreign policy but we should be careful with our interference in the Russia-EU and Russia-USA relations,” Mr Mihov remarked.
In his words, Bulgaria should not be the country to assess the big geopolitical problems but yet it seems that there is a need to summon a sitting of the Security Council.
“The world is facing a geopolitical crisis and this migration influx may lead to a geopolitical catastrophe, which means clash of civilisations,” the expert said further.
“The Foreign Ministry has the right to defend one or another foreign policy but we should be careful with our interference in the Russia-EU and Russia-USA relations,” Mr Mihov remarked.
In his words, Bulgaria should not be the country to assess the big geopolitical problems but yet it seems that there is a need to summon a sitting of the Security Council.
“The world is facing a geopolitical crisis and this migration influx may lead to a geopolitical catastrophe, which means clash of civilisations,” the expert said further.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/257430_Russia+put+Bulgarian+foreign+policy+to+a+test%3A+expert
Публикувана на 09/11/15 09:42 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/257430_Russia+put+Bulgarian+foreign+policy+to+a+test%3A+expert
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