09/11/15 09:18
Tsacheva: I will not allow Bulgaria parliament being turned into place for electioneering

“I will not allow the Bulgarian parliament to be turned into a place for electioneering,” National Assembly Chairperson Tsetska Tsacheva said speaking for the Bulgarian National Television (BNT).
“In order to avoid turning the parliamentary tribune into a place for local elections agitation, there will not be parliamentary sitting in the days before October 25 [when the local elections will be held]. We will call sittings of the parliament only when needed,” Ms Tsacheva explained.
Tsetska Tsacheva added that as of September 16 the parliament’s working time will be extended with two hours and there would be extraordinary sittings on September 29 and October 6.
“I think that this way the work of the parliament will not be burdened by the forthcoming elections campaign,” the parliament chairperson remarked.
“In order to avoid turning the parliamentary tribune into a place for local elections agitation, there will not be parliamentary sitting in the days before October 25 [when the local elections will be held]. We will call sittings of the parliament only when needed,” Ms Tsacheva explained.
Tsetska Tsacheva added that as of September 16 the parliament’s working time will be extended with two hours and there would be extraordinary sittings on September 29 and October 6.
“I think that this way the work of the parliament will not be burdened by the forthcoming elections campaign,” the parliament chairperson remarked.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/257428_Tsacheva%3A+I+will+not+allow+Bulgaria+parliament+being+turned+into+place+for+electioneering
Публикувана на 09/11/15 09:18 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/257428_Tsacheva%3A+I+will+not+allow+Bulgaria+parliament+being+turned+into+place+for+electioneering
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