09/12/15 10:12
Bulgaria’s employers’ organisation to address prosecution over energy sector issues

“Our lawyers are working on two signals that will be filed to the Prosecutor’s Office and they are connected with the contracts of the two American power plants and the RES,” said Kiril Domuschiev, chairperson of the Confederation and Employers and Industrialists in Bulgaria (KRIB), speaking for Nova TV, commenting on employers’ organisations’ discontent with the high electricity price for the business and their planned protests.
He added that probably the signals would be ready and filed to the Prosecutor General next week.
“The first one is connected with who and why signed the contracts with AES Galabovo TPP and ContourGlobal Maritsa Iztok 3 TPP. Do you think that it is normal to have no one responsible because of these contracts, bearing in mind that they doomed the entire industry? We want punishment for the people responsible for this,” Mr Domuschiev remarked.
Speaking of the second signal, connected with the RES, the businessman said: “Indeed, there were inspections. However, was anyone punished? What are the results of these checks? There is not a single report on them.”
Kiril Domuschiev commented further that the next protest of the employers’ organisations would be much bigger and would be staged only in the capital city Sofia.
“We want to show the people who we protest against that we will not leave things this way. The problems in the energy sector are radicalising and so are we,” Mr Domuschiev remarked.
He added that probably the signals would be ready and filed to the Prosecutor General next week.
“The first one is connected with who and why signed the contracts with AES Galabovo TPP and ContourGlobal Maritsa Iztok 3 TPP. Do you think that it is normal to have no one responsible because of these contracts, bearing in mind that they doomed the entire industry? We want punishment for the people responsible for this,” Mr Domuschiev remarked.
Speaking of the second signal, connected with the RES, the businessman said: “Indeed, there were inspections. However, was anyone punished? What are the results of these checks? There is not a single report on them.”
Kiril Domuschiev commented further that the next protest of the employers’ organisations would be much bigger and would be staged only in the capital city Sofia.
“We want to show the people who we protest against that we will not leave things this way. The problems in the energy sector are radicalising and so are we,” Mr Domuschiev remarked.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/257494_Bulgaria%E2%80%99s+employers%E2%80%99+organisation+to+address+prosecution+over+energy+sector+issues
Публикувана на 09/12/15 10:12 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/257494_Bulgaria%E2%80%99s+employers%E2%80%99+organisation+to+address+prosecution+over+energy+sector+issues
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