09/12/15 12:46
Bulgarian Deputy PM: European ambassadors have their place in anti-corruption law debates

“European ambassadors have their place in the discussions on Bulgaria’s anti-corruption law,” Bulgarian Deputy Prime Minister for European Policies Coordination and Institutional Affairs and leader of the Bulgaria of the Citizens Movement Meglena Kuneva said speaking at a press conference in Veliko Tarnovo.
Ms Kuenva remarked that at the moment Bulgaria and Romania were under monitoring in the fields of judicial system and internal order.
“Just in a few months the EU member states, their representatives in Brussels, will discuss the evaluation of Bulgaria’s progress in the field of justice and anti-corruption. Naturally, they will ask their ambassadors and take into account their positions,” the Deputy PM commented further.
Ms Kuenva remarked that at the moment Bulgaria and Romania were under monitoring in the fields of judicial system and internal order.
“Just in a few months the EU member states, their representatives in Brussels, will discuss the evaluation of Bulgaria’s progress in the field of justice and anti-corruption. Naturally, they will ask their ambassadors and take into account their positions,” the Deputy PM commented further.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/257504_Bulgarian+Deputy+PM%3A+European+ambassadors+have+their+place+in+anti-corruption+law+debates
Публикувана на 09/12/15 12:46 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/257504_Bulgarian+Deputy+PM%3A+European+ambassadors+have+their+place+in+anti-corruption+law+debates
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