09/14/15 10:26
Bulgaria Warns Citizens Against Travel Through Hungary

Bulgaria has warned its citizens to avoid travel by train or road through the territory of Hungary due to concentration of refugees at the country’s borders with Austria and Serbia.
The Bulgarian Foreign Ministry recommended to use alternative routes through Romania and Slovakia or via Serbia and Slovenia.
Travellers should also bear in mind that international trains from Hungary to Austria have been temporarily suspended since Saturday, according to information from the Bulgarian Embassy in Budapest, the Foreign Ministry said on its website.
It also advised Bulgarians that the border between Hungary and Serbia, as well as the border between Hungary and Austria could possibly be closed from September 15 to September 20 as new Hungarian legislation against illegal border crossings goes into force.
With the situation at Hungary's borders and motorways changing by the hour depending on the flow of refugees, updated information on potential delays at the borders can be found on the website of the Hungarian police www.police.hu/hirek-es-informaciok/hatarinfo, the Bulgarian Foreign Ministry advised.
The Bulgarian Foreign Ministry recommended to use alternative routes through Romania and Slovakia or via Serbia and Slovenia.
Travellers should also bear in mind that international trains from Hungary to Austria have been temporarily suspended since Saturday, according to information from the Bulgarian Embassy in Budapest, the Foreign Ministry said on its website.
It also advised Bulgarians that the border between Hungary and Serbia, as well as the border between Hungary and Austria could possibly be closed from September 15 to September 20 as new Hungarian legislation against illegal border crossings goes into force.
With the situation at Hungary's borders and motorways changing by the hour depending on the flow of refugees, updated information on potential delays at the borders can be found on the website of the Hungarian police www.police.hu/hirek-es-informaciok/hatarinfo, the Bulgarian Foreign Ministry advised.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/257608_Bulgaria+Warns+Citizens+Against+Travel+Through+Hungary
Публикувана на 09/14/15 10:26 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/257608_Bulgaria+Warns+Citizens+Against+Travel+Through+Hungary
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