09/14/15 11:24
When we speak about human smuggling, we have to admit there is lots of work to do in EU

“When we speak about human smuggling, we have to admit there is still a lot of work to do not only in Bulgaria but also in the frames of the entire EU,” said Bulgarian Minister of Foreign Affairs Daniel Mitov, speaking with journalists after an official ceremony dedicated to Goran Svilanovic’s re-election to the post of Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council.
The agreement on his taking office was signed by Minister Mitov in his capacity of current rotational Chairman of the South-East European Cooperation Process (SEECP) from July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, FOCUS News Agency reported.
Speaking for the media, Daniel Mitov stated Hungary and Germany had taken measures for closing their borders over the refugee wave.
“The refugee crisis is very serious and all EU member states are obviously attempting to find a way through which to control their borders and migration pressure. Bulgaria did it a long ago – not only do we control our borders but have a well-built system for registration and coordination with all the other EU member states,” Mitov explained.
“When people moving within the EU are concerned the problem is that when we speak about human smuggling, there is lots of work to do not only in Bulgaria but in the entire EU. This is a terrifying phenomenon we have to counteract as firmly as possible. Therefore, I have called several times of all EU countries to pay serious attention to it and build systems increasing the criminal responsibility for people involved in such activities,” Daniel Mitov remarked.
The agreement on his taking office was signed by Minister Mitov in his capacity of current rotational Chairman of the South-East European Cooperation Process (SEECP) from July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, FOCUS News Agency reported.
Speaking for the media, Daniel Mitov stated Hungary and Germany had taken measures for closing their borders over the refugee wave.
“The refugee crisis is very serious and all EU member states are obviously attempting to find a way through which to control their borders and migration pressure. Bulgaria did it a long ago – not only do we control our borders but have a well-built system for registration and coordination with all the other EU member states,” Mitov explained.
“When people moving within the EU are concerned the problem is that when we speak about human smuggling, there is lots of work to do not only in Bulgaria but in the entire EU. This is a terrifying phenomenon we have to counteract as firmly as possible. Therefore, I have called several times of all EU countries to pay serious attention to it and build systems increasing the criminal responsibility for people involved in such activities,” Daniel Mitov remarked.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/257609_When+we+speak+about+human+smuggling%2C+we+have+to+admit+there+is+lots+of+work+to+do+in+EU
Публикувана на 09/14/15 11:24 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/257609_When+we+speak+about+human+smuggling%2C+we+have+to+admit+there+is+lots+of+work+to+do+in+EU
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