09/15/15 10:56
At least BGN 80 mn more needed for teachers’ salaries increase in 2016 education budget: Bulgarian specialist
“In order for money to be sufficient for an increase in teachers’ salaries, there has to be at least BGN 80 million more in the 2016 education budget,” said Yuliyan Petrov, Chairperson of the Education Trade Union with the Confederation of Labour Podkrepa, speaking in an interview with FOCUS News Agency.
Referring to additional financing to the sector of education, Petrov explained some BGN 50 million was concerned that would be aimed at the system.
“BGN 20 million will be allocated for an increase in teachers’ salaries. BGN 30 million, according to initial reports, will be directed to rescue all-day education [programmes]. As we know, this was [done] under a European project and it now has to be financed with resources of the education ministry through the state budget. This is a thing we expect to take place,” Petrov remarked.
Referring to additional financing to the sector of education, Petrov explained some BGN 50 million was concerned that would be aimed at the system.
“BGN 20 million will be allocated for an increase in teachers’ salaries. BGN 30 million, according to initial reports, will be directed to rescue all-day education [programmes]. As we know, this was [done] under a European project and it now has to be financed with resources of the education ministry through the state budget. This is a thing we expect to take place,” Petrov remarked.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/257669_At+least+BGN+80+mn+more+needed+for+teachers%E2%80%99+salaries+increase+in+2016+education+budget%3A+Bulgarian+specialist
Публикувана на 09/15/15 10:56 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/257669_At+least+BGN+80+mn+more+needed+for+teachers%E2%80%99+salaries+increase+in+2016+education+budget%3A+Bulgarian+specialist
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