09/15/15 11:32
Sales of new cars up 11.2% in EU in August, 4.9% drop registered in Bulgaria

Sales of new cars in the EU went up 11.2% in August, according to the European Automobile Manufacturers' Association, as cited by Belga news agency.
According to the Association, the data points to “the market returning to growth and continuation of the positive trend that started 2 years ago”.
744,799 cars were sold in the EU in August although it is considered the month of weakest performance for the car market along with February.
The biggest increase in car sales was reported in Cyprus (+41.5%), Ireland (+31.7%), and Spain (+23.3%). A decrease, however, was seen in Luxembourg (-10.5%), Bulgaria (-4.9%), and Estonia (-1.9%).
According to the Association, the data points to “the market returning to growth and continuation of the positive trend that started 2 years ago”.
744,799 cars were sold in the EU in August although it is considered the month of weakest performance for the car market along with February.
The biggest increase in car sales was reported in Cyprus (+41.5%), Ireland (+31.7%), and Spain (+23.3%). A decrease, however, was seen in Luxembourg (-10.5%), Bulgaria (-4.9%), and Estonia (-1.9%).
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/257671_Sales+of+new+cars+up+11.2%25+in+EU+in+August%2C+4.9%25+drop+registered+in+Bulgaria
Публикувана на 09/15/15 11:32 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/257671_Sales+of+new+cars+up+11.2%25+in+EU+in+August%2C+4.9%25+drop+registered+in+Bulgaria
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