09/17/15 09:28
500 refugees to arrive in Bulgaria under EU relocation programme

“Under the EU relocation programme some 40,000 people will be resettled, as 500 of them will come in Bulgaria,” Bulgarian Deputy Prime Minister for Coalition Policy and Public Administration and Minister of Interior Rumyana Bachvarova said speaking for Nova TV.
“The issue is being discussed and an official decision on the relocation of other 120,000 people will be made on Tuesday,” the minister added, explaining that those people did include in the first group of 40,000 migrants.
Ms Bachvarova explained that Bulgaria had a council on migration and integration policy, which would set the requirements towards the refugees that would come to Bulgaria. She explained that the requirements envisaged religious balance, as well as to be mostly people from Syria.
“The issue is being discussed and an official decision on the relocation of other 120,000 people will be made on Tuesday,” the minister added, explaining that those people did include in the first group of 40,000 migrants.
Ms Bachvarova explained that Bulgaria had a council on migration and integration policy, which would set the requirements towards the refugees that would come to Bulgaria. She explained that the requirements envisaged religious balance, as well as to be mostly people from Syria.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/257812_500+refugees+to+arrive+in+Bulgaria+under+EU+relocation+programme
Публикувана на 09/17/15 09:28 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/257812_500+refugees+to+arrive+in+Bulgaria+under+EU+relocation+programme
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