09/17/15 10:58
Bulgaria’s electoral commission, media watchdog ink agreement

Bulgaria’s Central Electoral Commission (CEC) and the Council of Electronic Media (CEM) inked an agreement on Thursday.
The agreement sets the principles and parameters of the specialised monitoring, which CEM will exert on the activities of media services providers during the forthcoming elections campaign in Bulgaria.
The document was signed by CEC Chairperson Ivilina Alexieva and CEM Chairperson Associate Professor Georgi Lozanov.
Ivilina Alexieva called the media to follow the highest European standards in the materials dedicated to the elections campaign, to be responsible, objective and fair, so as to allow the citizens make an informed choice.
“The media are partners to all participants in the elections process. They are the mediator between politics and the society and that is why we count on their high moral behaviour,” Ms Alexieva said.
Mr Lozanov, on the other hand, commented that he was happy with the signing of such an agreement.
“There is nothing different from the previous elections campaign. The European requirement envisages equal and balanced presentation of the candidates and the political subjects,” he added.
The agreement sets the principles and parameters of the specialised monitoring, which CEM will exert on the activities of media services providers during the forthcoming elections campaign in Bulgaria.
The document was signed by CEC Chairperson Ivilina Alexieva and CEM Chairperson Associate Professor Georgi Lozanov.
Ivilina Alexieva called the media to follow the highest European standards in the materials dedicated to the elections campaign, to be responsible, objective and fair, so as to allow the citizens make an informed choice.
“The media are partners to all participants in the elections process. They are the mediator between politics and the society and that is why we count on their high moral behaviour,” Ms Alexieva said.
Mr Lozanov, on the other hand, commented that he was happy with the signing of such an agreement.
“There is nothing different from the previous elections campaign. The European requirement envisages equal and balanced presentation of the candidates and the political subjects,” he added.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/257816_Bulgaria%E2%80%99s+electoral+commission%2C+media+watchdog+ink+agreement
Публикувана на 09/17/15 10:58 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/257816_Bulgaria%E2%80%99s+electoral+commission%2C+media+watchdog+ink+agreement
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