09/18/15 09:44
Bulgaria ministry: Building renovation under energy efficiency programme to impact property tax

Renovation of buildings under the energy efficiency programme will impact the property tax, which will see a very slight decrease, the press centre of the Bulgarian Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works said in a comment on public speculations on tax breaks on residential buildings renovated under the National Energy Efficiency Programme.
The ministry stated further the public had been informed the renovation would impact the property tax, which would see a very slight decrease, which could not be measured against the benefits, produced effect, and expenditure cuts resulting from the implemented energy efficiency measures.
The ministry stated further the public had been informed the renovation would impact the property tax, which would see a very slight decrease, which could not be measured against the benefits, produced effect, and expenditure cuts resulting from the implemented energy efficiency measures.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/257837_Bulgaria+ministry%3A+Building+renovation+under+energy+efficiency+programme+to+impact+property+tax+
Публикувана на 09/18/15 09:44 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/257837_Bulgaria+ministry%3A+Building+renovation+under+energy+efficiency+programme+to+impact+property+tax+
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