09/18/15 08:36
Bulgaria, Slovakia to expand cooperation in hi-tech sector (ROUNDUP)

Bulgaria and Slovakia will work for expansion of the bilateral cooperation in the field of investments with high added value, innovations, cyber security and high-technologies, the press office of the Bulgarian Ministry of Economy announced on Thursday.
The news broke at a meeting between Bulgarian Minister of Economy Bozhidar Lukarksi and Slovakian Ambassador to Bulgaria Marian Jakubocy on Thursday.
“We wish to enhance the bilateral economic relations,” Mr Jakubocy remarked and added that two concrete initiatives would be realised in this direction.
These are the forthcoming visit to Slovakian President Andrej Kiska in Sofia in November and the sitting of the third session of the Consultative committee on economic cooperation between the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Slovakia, which will be held in the frames of President Kiska’s visit.
During the visit to Bulgaria Andrej Kiska will be accompanied by a business delegation with interests in investments in the field of cyber security, bio-technologies and IT sector.
“We see many opportunities for cooperation in these fields,” the Ambassador remarked.
Ambassador Marian Jakubocy also expressed hopes that the two countries would find other fields of common interest, too, such as infrastructure and electronic government.
The news broke at a meeting between Bulgarian Minister of Economy Bozhidar Lukarksi and Slovakian Ambassador to Bulgaria Marian Jakubocy on Thursday.
“We wish to enhance the bilateral economic relations,” Mr Jakubocy remarked and added that two concrete initiatives would be realised in this direction.
These are the forthcoming visit to Slovakian President Andrej Kiska in Sofia in November and the sitting of the third session of the Consultative committee on economic cooperation between the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Slovakia, which will be held in the frames of President Kiska’s visit.
During the visit to Bulgaria Andrej Kiska will be accompanied by a business delegation with interests in investments in the field of cyber security, bio-technologies and IT sector.
“We see many opportunities for cooperation in these fields,” the Ambassador remarked.
Ambassador Marian Jakubocy also expressed hopes that the two countries would find other fields of common interest, too, such as infrastructure and electronic government.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/257830_Bulgaria%2C+Slovakia+to+expand+cooperation+in+hi-tech+sector+%28ROUNDUP%29
Публикувана на 09/18/15 08:36 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/257830_Bulgaria%2C+Slovakia+to+expand+cooperation+in+hi-tech+sector+%28ROUNDUP%29
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