Press review
Bulgaria is preparing for a huge refugee flow, Sega daily informs on its first pages. The number of people involved in human trafficking rose by 70% in 6 months only. A total of 19,000 foreign nationals were detained for the same period.
Bulgarian Army Against the Refugees is the leading headline of Standard daily. Bulgaria insists that it should receive mainly Syrian families on its territory, the newspaper further writes.
According to Telegraph daily, Bulgarian Armed Forces will protect the Bulgarian-Turkish border with Kalashnikov sub-machine guns and Hummers. The soldiers from both military detachments served in missions in Iraq and Afghanistan. Trud daily specifies that initially only 50 military men will be sent to protect the border, but their number may rise to 1,000 or more, if necessary.
We were informed that some members of the Islamic State interfere in the refugee flow, Bulgaria’s Minister of Defense Nikolay Nenchev told 24 Chassa daily. Minister Nenchev denied rumors that Bulgaria’s military men will not receive a 15% bonus for specific working conditions anymore.
The authorities will levy distraint on the salaries of 10,000 Bulgarians who used the public transport for free, Monitor daily informs. Tax officers will collect overdue fines imposed to drivers who park their vehicles in green areas, the newspaper further writes.
Capital Daily informs that the credit rating of the Bulgarian Energy Holding was lowered for the second time since the beginning of 2015. Fitch rating agency lowered the long-term credit rating of the Bulgarian company to negative outlook due to expectations of poorer financial results for 2015 and 2016.
Bulgaria should close the Bulgarian Energy Holding, former Finance Minister Simeon Djankov told Standard daily. In Mr Djankov’s view, the holding is a hollow structure which causes corruption.
Italy is to return to Bulgaria antiquities worth EUR 1 million, Novinar daily informs on its first pages. Over 3,500 items with cultural and historical value were seized by the Italian Police during special operations against traffickers.
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