09/20/15 08:59
Bulgaria President: We should build democracy of European kind, socially responsible economy

“Bulgarian people are not divided. They showed their wisdom and will continue doing it. We are united as one around the national ideal of [revolutionary] Vasil Levski of a “pure and sacred” republic. We believe in the modern interpretation of this ideal, namely that we should build a democracy of a European kind and a socially responsible economy,” said Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev, speaking Saturday for TV Evropa.
“Bulgarians are united as one [in their opinion] institutions should not serve those in power but [ordinary] people. Bulgarians want to see moral and values in politics. They want to see more figures that have things to say and fewer oligarchs that are secretly in charge of things in politics and the economy. We, Bulgarians, are united in our desire for the justice system to produce results that people can see and feel,” the Head of State remarked further.
He also touched upon a burning political issue – the refugee crisis.
Plevneliev thinks it comes to show how much people have distanced themselves from the values of the EU founders.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/257894_Bulgaria+President%3A+We+should+build+democracy+of+European+kind%2C+socially+responsible+economy
Публикувана на 09/20/15 08:59 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/257894_Bulgaria+President%3A+We+should+build+democracy+of+European+kind%2C+socially+responsible+economy
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