09/20/15 08:50
We are taking measures to tackle refugee situation: Bulgaria PM

“We are taking measures to tackle the refugee situation and have closed our borders for illegal migrants,” said Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov, speaking in the coastal city of Sozopol at the inauguration of a wastewater treatment plant.
According to him, the Bulgarian authorities were in touch with their Turkish counterparts overnight.
“The riot police and police keep the refugees some 40 km away from the border and do not allow them to enter [the country]. They let only cars and trucks [travel],” Borisov remarked.
He added the refugees in Turkey were to meet with the Turkish Prime Minister and express his hope the Turkish authorities would be able to handle the situation.
According to him, the Bulgarian authorities were in touch with their Turkish counterparts overnight.
“The riot police and police keep the refugees some 40 km away from the border and do not allow them to enter [the country]. They let only cars and trucks [travel],” Borisov remarked.
He added the refugees in Turkey were to meet with the Turkish Prime Minister and express his hope the Turkish authorities would be able to handle the situation.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/257892_We+are+taking+measures+to+tackle+refugee+situation%3A+Bulgaria+PM
Публикувана на 09/20/15 08:50 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/257892_We+are+taking+measures+to+tackle+refugee+situation%3A+Bulgaria+PM
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