09/21/15 11:01
Sofia History Museum Reopens after 72 Years

A museum exploring the history of Bulgaria's capital opened doors again on Thursday.
The ceremony coincided with the Day of Sofia, which is celebrated on September 17 every year.
The permanent exhibition is dedicated to the city's past, telling stories dating from the III millennium BC to the 1940s. -
In each hall a different aspect of life in Sofia throughout the ages is unveiled: one is about ancient times whereas other deal with dynasties, institutions, entertainment, and clothing.
Founded in 1928, its building was destroyed in 1943 when the Allied forces bombed Sofia during World War Two.
Back then it was located meters from the old mineral baths building where it is now (1, Banski Square, just opposite the mosque in downtown Sofia). The baths had to undergo extensive reconstruction in order to become the museum's new home.
The museum has already been active for several months, before the official inauguration. It hosted an exhibition of Egyptian artifacts for most of the summer.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/257942_Sofia+History+Museum+Reopens+after+72+Years
Публикувана на 09/21/15 11:01 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/257942_Sofia+History+Museum+Reopens+after+72+Years
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