09/23/15 09:17
Bulgaria VP Backs United Body for Minority in Serbia

Bulgarian Vice President Margarita Popova has thrown its support behind the united organization that is to represent Bulgarians living in Serbia, the President's press office has said.
The body is to be set up in the months to come, Bulgaria's Consul General Atanas Krastin is quoted as telling Popova at a meeting in the Serbian city in Nis.
There have been two leading associations, Balkan and Tsaribrod (after the Bulgarian version of Dimitrovgrad's name), in the past years which have often been at odds over a number of issues.
Popova was on a three-day visit to Serbia where she took part in the celebrations of the Independence Day organized for the Bulgarian minority at Bosilegrad and Dimitrovgrad, the two municipalities with prevailing Bulgarian population.
The body is to be set up in the months to come, Bulgaria's Consul General Atanas Krastin is quoted as telling Popova at a meeting in the Serbian city in Nis.
There have been two leading associations, Balkan and Tsaribrod (after the Bulgarian version of Dimitrovgrad's name), in the past years which have often been at odds over a number of issues.
Popova was on a three-day visit to Serbia where she took part in the celebrations of the Independence Day organized for the Bulgarian minority at Bosilegrad and Dimitrovgrad, the two municipalities with prevailing Bulgarian population.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/258011_Bulgaria+VP+Backs+United+Body+for+Minority+in+Serbia
Публикувана на 09/23/15 09:17 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/258011_Bulgaria+VP+Backs+United+Body+for+Minority+in+Serbia
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