09/27/15 12:27
Mayors of Bulgarian municipalities could be sanctioned unless programmes for air quality developed: minister
“It is envisaged in amendments to the Clean Ambient Air Act mayors will be sanctioned if they do not develop programmes for air quality,” said Bulgarian Minister of Environment and Water Ivelina Vasileva, speaking with journalists in a comment on a draft bill on amendments and supplements to the Clean Ambient Air Act,.
“We have taken a number of measures related to air cleanliness. Part of them are connected with the draft bill on amendments and supplements to the Clean Ambient Air Act. It is to be debated at first reading at parliament; I hope this will happen next week,” Vasileva stated.
“We plan stricter regulations related to municipalities’ commitments to developing their municipal programmes and respectively sanction mechanisms if these are not honoured,” the government official remarked.
She added the municipal authorities were given an opportunity to set concrete measures producing a positive effect.
It will be possible to sanction mayors for not developing municipal programmes or not implementing measures they contain.
According to Ivelina Vasileva, municipal councils and mayors could impose concrete measures to improve the conditions in their populated places.
She added the environment ministry worked with other establishments in joint working groups to find the best formula for reducing the use of heating fuels that caused pollution.
“We have taken a number of measures related to air cleanliness. Part of them are connected with the draft bill on amendments and supplements to the Clean Ambient Air Act. It is to be debated at first reading at parliament; I hope this will happen next week,” Vasileva stated.
“We plan stricter regulations related to municipalities’ commitments to developing their municipal programmes and respectively sanction mechanisms if these are not honoured,” the government official remarked.
She added the municipal authorities were given an opportunity to set concrete measures producing a positive effect.
It will be possible to sanction mayors for not developing municipal programmes or not implementing measures they contain.
According to Ivelina Vasileva, municipal councils and mayors could impose concrete measures to improve the conditions in their populated places.
She added the environment ministry worked with other establishments in joint working groups to find the best formula for reducing the use of heating fuels that caused pollution.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/258183_Mayors+of+Bulgarian+municipalities+could+be+sanctioned+unless+programmes+for+air+quality+developed%3A+minister
Публикувана на 09/27/15 12:27 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/258183_Mayors+of+Bulgarian+municipalities+could+be+sanctioned+unless+programmes+for+air+quality+developed%3A+minister
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