Bulgaria, USA strategic partners: President Plevneliev

“Bulgaria and the USA are strategic partners,” said Mr Plevneliev, speaking at the meeting in New York and introduced the Bulgarians to the decision made during the visit of US Secretary of State John Kerry to the capital Sofia on the establishment of five working groups on strategic dialogue in the field of security and defence, the energy sector, the rule of law, education and contacts between people.
Rosen Plevneliev also assured the abolition of US visas for Bulgarian citizens remained among the priorities in Bulgarian-US bilateral relations.
The President congratulated the Bulgarians in New York on the success of Bulgarian Sunday schools around which “real nuclei of Bulgarians holding their fatherland dear” are formed.
“The activity of these schools is a guarantee for the preservation of Bulgarian language in the youngest generation but is also a prerequisite for constant contacts with Bulgaria,” the high-ranking official underscored.
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