09/28/15 07:45
Only through integration nations can prevent future war

Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev, who is paying a working visit to the USA to attend the 70th Regular Session of the UN General Assembly, met with Bulgarians living in the country, the press centre of the President’s Office announced.
As regards the situation concerning the refugee flow, the Head of State pointed out at the meeting in New York only through integration nations could prevent a future war.
“The EU is a family and is expected to become united at such moments instead of each country standing up for its own interests. The EU will manage it and Bulgaria will be part of the solution,” the official opined.
He was explicit Bulgaria was the strong voice in favour of unification.
Plevneliev also recalled the country was a symbol of tolerance and people practising different faiths had lived together in it over the centuries.
“The right of asylum is a main human right and the solution to the refugee wave should be common,” the President stated.
In his words, there have never been times of so many crises, which makes standing together more different and therefore more active work should be done on that.
Rosen Plevneliev stated the EU and Bulgaria should have a programme through which to aid refugees’ integration.
As regards the situation concerning the refugee flow, the Head of State pointed out at the meeting in New York only through integration nations could prevent a future war.
“The EU is a family and is expected to become united at such moments instead of each country standing up for its own interests. The EU will manage it and Bulgaria will be part of the solution,” the official opined.
He was explicit Bulgaria was the strong voice in favour of unification.
Plevneliev also recalled the country was a symbol of tolerance and people practising different faiths had lived together in it over the centuries.
“The right of asylum is a main human right and the solution to the refugee wave should be common,” the President stated.
In his words, there have never been times of so many crises, which makes standing together more different and therefore more active work should be done on that.
Rosen Plevneliev stated the EU and Bulgaria should have a programme through which to aid refugees’ integration.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/258185_Only+through+integration+nations+can+prevent+future+war
Публикувана на 09/28/15 07:45 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/258185_Only+through+integration+nations+can+prevent+future+war
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