Bulgaria to invest EUR 680 mln in railway infrastructure under OP Transport

“We have allocated nearly EUR 680 million for the railway infrastructure under OP Transport,” Bulgarian Minister of Transport, Information Technologies and Communication Ivaylo Moskovski said speaking at the 5th discussion forum themed “Construction in 2016 – prospects and challenges. Opportunities in the 2014-2020 programme period”.
“Such meetings allow the business and the state institutions to exchange experience. We will apply the experience gained in the new programme period.
The teams in charge of the operational programme will tackle the challenges until 2020 and all projects will be realised in good quality and on time. The past operational period raised the standard for projects implementation really high,” Minister Moskovski remarked.
“More than EUR 1.6 billion has been paid off to the beneficiaries,” the minister said further.
He commented he was sceptical about the budget for railway projects.
“Three big major projects should be finalised in the railway sector. There is intensive dynamics in the construction, payment and certification. These projects will be finalised in the first half of 2016.
We have allocated nearly EUR 680 million for the railway infrastructure, as some EUR 320 million will go for modernisation of the railway route to the coastal city of Burgas,” the minister commented further.
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