Bulgarian ministers assure entire money under OPs will be paid off

Bulgarian Minister of Environment and Water Ivelina Vasileva and Minister of Regional Development and Public Works Lilyana Pavlova assured that the entire money under the operational programmes would be paid off.
The statement came at the 5th discussion forum themed “Construction in 2016 – prospects and challenges. Opportunities in the 2014-2020 programme period” held in the capital city Sofia.
“Payments under OP Environment are going on well – 93.39%. Under the indications we have set and the plan for the financial year, around BGN 400 million should be paid off by the end of the year under OP Environment,” Minister Vasileva explained.
Minister Pavlova, on the other hand, said that in terms of the roads and the regional development she was convinced that the parties involved would do their best to make the payments to the maximum.
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