10/01/15 08:30
New Bulgarian App Gives Information on Traffic, Road Incidents

A new application has been launched to give up-to-date information on traffic across Bulgaria, along with other important data, Regional Minister Lilyana Pavlova has said.
Pavlova told Focus News Agency on Wednesday that the new software was created under the EU's Operational Program Technical Assistance.
LIMA, which is available both as a map on PC and as a downloadable app, is free and can be used on any kind of device, the minister added.
Commissioned by the state-owned Road Infrastructure Agency (RIA) of Bulgaria, the software allows for swift connection and data exchange between the agency itself, the ministry and regional departments across the country. For its part, this helps set up an "interactive database", she added.
LIMA will also provide information on the time it takes to drive through a traffic jam and which the alternative routes are.
The software also shows place names on the map in English, though this does not work on all devices.
Pavlova told Focus News Agency on Wednesday that the new software was created under the EU's Operational Program Technical Assistance.
LIMA, which is available both as a map on PC and as a downloadable app, is free and can be used on any kind of device, the minister added.
Commissioned by the state-owned Road Infrastructure Agency (RIA) of Bulgaria, the software allows for swift connection and data exchange between the agency itself, the ministry and regional departments across the country. For its part, this helps set up an "interactive database", she added.
LIMA will also provide information on the time it takes to drive through a traffic jam and which the alternative routes are.
The software also shows place names on the map in English, though this does not work on all devices.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/258372_New+Bulgarian+App+Gives+Information+on+Traffic%2C+Road+Incidents
Публикувана на 10/01/15 08:30 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/258372_New+Bulgarian+App+Gives+Information+on+Traffic%2C+Road+Incidents
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