10/06/15 08:35
Bulgaria top prosecutor: I support more rapid sanctioning of road traffic violators
“I support the more rapid sanctioning with administrative measures of the road traffic violators, such as confiscation of the registration number and suspension of vehicles from movement,” Prosecutor General of Bulgaria Sotir Tsatsarov said speaking with journalists in a commentary on the discussions on possible amendments to the Road Traffic Act.
“I am firmly against the ideas manifested by the Traffic Police, such as the criminalisation of the illegal car races. If we follow this line, eventually we will turn the movement of animal-drawn carts into a crime, too. This is absurd and this way the Penal Code will reach 800 articles. We should seek a balance,” Mr Tsatsarov remarked.
“The current Administrative Violations and Sanctions Act was worked out for different rimes. It does not meet the current situation,” the Prosecutor General remarked.
“I am firmly against the ideas manifested by the Traffic Police, such as the criminalisation of the illegal car races. If we follow this line, eventually we will turn the movement of animal-drawn carts into a crime, too. This is absurd and this way the Penal Code will reach 800 articles. We should seek a balance,” Mr Tsatsarov remarked.
“The current Administrative Violations and Sanctions Act was worked out for different rimes. It does not meet the current situation,” the Prosecutor General remarked.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/258550_Bulgaria+top+prosecutor%3A+I+support+more+rapid+sanctioning+of+road+traffic+violators
Публикувана на 10/06/15 08:35 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/258550_Bulgaria+top+prosecutor%3A+I+support+more+rapid+sanctioning+of+road+traffic+violators
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