10/07/15 08:59
Bulgaria President to convene council on national security if there is real threat to national security: official

“President will convene [a sitting of] the Consultative Council on National Security when there is indeed a threat to national security,” said Ekaterina Zaharieva, Chief of Staff of the Bulgarian President’s Office, speaking on Wednesday morning for bTV.
According to her, President Plevneliev has so far urged three times the topic of the Consultative Council on National Security is not used for achieving populist goals related to election campaigns.
In her words, the state of the army and air force in particular was discussed namely at a Consultative Council on National Security sitting.
“The parties that are now calling for convening a sitting of the Consultative Council on National Security were back then not part of the decision and were those that did not back the Consultative Council on National Security’s stance,” Zaharieva noted, specifying she meant Ataka party.
The official opined the Ministry of Interior, the army, and other bodies complied well with their obligations. “The fact there are no problems with refugees means we are among the few countries that observe European regulations,” Ekaterina Zaharieva added.
According to her, President Plevneliev has so far urged three times the topic of the Consultative Council on National Security is not used for achieving populist goals related to election campaigns.
In her words, the state of the army and air force in particular was discussed namely at a Consultative Council on National Security sitting.
“The parties that are now calling for convening a sitting of the Consultative Council on National Security were back then not part of the decision and were those that did not back the Consultative Council on National Security’s stance,” Zaharieva noted, specifying she meant Ataka party.
The official opined the Ministry of Interior, the army, and other bodies complied well with their obligations. “The fact there are no problems with refugees means we are among the few countries that observe European regulations,” Ekaterina Zaharieva added.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/258627_Bulgaria+President+to+convene+council+on+national+security+if+there+is+real+threat+to+national+security%3A+official
Публикувана на 10/07/15 08:59 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/258627_Bulgaria+President+to+convene+council+on+national+security+if+there+is+real+threat+to+national+security%3A+official
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