10/09/15 08:17
Average Life Expectancy in Bulgaria: 74 Years

The average life expectancy in Bulgaria is 74 years, with women living seven years longer than men, Nova TV reported on Thursday.
Women in Bulgaria live 77.6 years on average, while the life expectancy for men is 70.6 years, Nova TV said, quoting data announced at a meeting on the demographic challenges in the countries of the Southeast Europe Cooperation Process (SEECP).
Bulgaria is currently holding the SEECP rotating chairmanship.
Women in the region of southeast Europe give birth to their first child at the average age of 27.2 years, about three-and-a half years later than they did 20 years ago, data showed.
Despite an increase by half a year in the period 2003-2013, the average life expectancy in Bulgaria remains one of lowest in the European Union, a study of the National Statistical Institute showed last year.
Women in Bulgaria live 77.6 years on average, while the life expectancy for men is 70.6 years, Nova TV said, quoting data announced at a meeting on the demographic challenges in the countries of the Southeast Europe Cooperation Process (SEECP).
Bulgaria is currently holding the SEECP rotating chairmanship.
Women in the region of southeast Europe give birth to their first child at the average age of 27.2 years, about three-and-a half years later than they did 20 years ago, data showed.
Despite an increase by half a year in the period 2003-2013, the average life expectancy in Bulgaria remains one of lowest in the European Union, a study of the National Statistical Institute showed last year.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/258663_Average+Life+Expectancy+in+Bulgaria%3A+74+Years
Публикувана на 10/09/15 08:17 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/258663_Average+Life+Expectancy+in+Bulgaria%3A+74+Years
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