10/12/15 08:45
100-150 employers are expected to offer about 1,000 vacant positions in October

“We expect about 100-150 employers to offer 1,000 vacant positions at the labour-exchanges, which will be held in October,” Angel Angelov, Deputy Director of Employment Services General Directorate at the National Employment Agency, said in an interview for FOCUS News Agency.
“10 labour markets are going to be organised. There will be organised 6 specialized job fairs for youths in Kazanlak, Haskovo, Sofia, Samokov, Blagoevgrad, Kardzhali. They are specialized and targeted at youths. Three genral job fairs will be organised in Radnevo, Krumovgrad and Dupnitsa. There will be held a specialized job fair in Razlog. As you can see, we organise labour-exchanges across the country in October. There will be two more in November, too. In November will be held a job fair in tourism in Smolyan,” Angel Angelov specified.
“10 labour markets are going to be organised. There will be organised 6 specialized job fairs for youths in Kazanlak, Haskovo, Sofia, Samokov, Blagoevgrad, Kardzhali. They are specialized and targeted at youths. Three genral job fairs will be organised in Radnevo, Krumovgrad and Dupnitsa. There will be held a specialized job fair in Razlog. As you can see, we organise labour-exchanges across the country in October. There will be two more in November, too. In November will be held a job fair in tourism in Smolyan,” Angel Angelov specified.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/258797_100-150+employers+are+expected+to+offer+about+1%2C000+vacant+positions+in+October
Публикувана на 10/12/15 08:45 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/258797_100-150+employers+are+expected+to+offer+about+1%2C000+vacant+positions+in+October
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