10/12/15 08:20
Almost 30 percent of women in Bulgaria victims of violence
Almost 30 percent of women in this country have, at one point or another, been victims of violence, as compared to 33 in Europe; 5-7 percent of men have also been victims of violence, a percentage that is not negligible. The data are from a conference taking place in Varna. MEP Mariya Gabriel stated that the European directives for equal treatment of men and women in matters of employment and discrimination protection must take stock of the progress made in this sphere, adding that there were good prevention practices in place.
"There is no gender equality law in Bulgaria, but Deputy Prime Minister Ivailo Kalfin has undertaken the drafting of such a law," she added. Mariya Gabriel stated that gender equality was more than just women in top positions, it also meant equality regarding payment, the differences between the sexes being an average of 16 percent even at a European level. In her words, this equality can be attained by way of dialogue, as there is no way the private sector can be forced to transparency with regard to salaries. Mariya Gabriel commended the work of NGOs who are ahead of the institutions, standing by victims every day, providing early psychological and medical help as well as educational training.
"There is no gender equality law in Bulgaria, but Deputy Prime Minister Ivailo Kalfin has undertaken the drafting of such a law," she added. Mariya Gabriel stated that gender equality was more than just women in top positions, it also meant equality regarding payment, the differences between the sexes being an average of 16 percent even at a European level. In her words, this equality can be attained by way of dialogue, as there is no way the private sector can be forced to transparency with regard to salaries. Mariya Gabriel commended the work of NGOs who are ahead of the institutions, standing by victims every day, providing early psychological and medical help as well as educational training.
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Публикувана на 10/12/15 08:20 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/258795_Almost+30+percent+of+women+in+Bulgaria+victims+of+violence
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