Nationalization of U.S. TPPs = EUR 2.5 billion

The government received a road map for urgent reforms in the energy sector on 1 October. It was drawn up by employers' organizations. One of the most widely commented proposals is the nationalization of TPP Maritza Iztok I and 3. The purpose is to look for a new investor that will buy state-owned shares – part or all of them. In addition, this investor will have the right to to build a new power transmission line and/or will be given access to the existing one for direct export. Energy Minister Temenuzhka Petkova stated this measure was unacceptable and added the government would not commit to such a thing – companies are private, the state does not own shares in them, apart from 27% in ContourGlobal. The two TPPs are strategic partners and investors and Bulgarian energy sector would not function normally without them, especially in winter.
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