10/15/15 08:50
Over 80% of Bavarian investors would invest more in Bulgaria

More than 80% of the Bavarian companies that have invested in Bulgaria are happy with their partnership with local firms and would do more business in this country. These are the results from a poll, held by the Bavarian economy ministry among business representatives of the German region. The overall turnover between both countries was to the tune of EUR 5.9 bln. in 2014, as 16% of that came from the relations with Bavaria, thus turning it into the third major Bulgarian partner among German autonomous districts. The turnover has been constantly on the rise over the past years, as in 2014 it was EUR 792.34 mln., 8.6% more on the previous year. Investors say that the friendly tax system and the competitive manpower costs were among the main advantages of Bulgaria.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/258943_Over+80%25+of+Bavarian+investors+would+invest+more+in+Bulgaria
Публикувана на 10/15/15 08:50 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/258943_Over+80%25+of+Bavarian+investors+would+invest+more+in+Bulgaria
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