10/21/15 09:10
Wine sector only one with separate programme for it: Bulgaria deputy minister

“Wine sector is the only one with a separate programme aimed only at it,” said Bulgarian Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food Vasil Grudev, speaking Tuesday at a press conference themed “Bulgarian wine producers deprived of European financing”.
The event was organised by Bulgaria’s National Vine and Wine Chamber.
“The budget of the programme amounts to EUR 133 million, which is admissible solely for this sector, in the 2014-2018 period. We have a joint ambition but let everyone be aware the sector is not excluded from financing,” Grudev stated.
He explained the idea behind the Rural Development Programme (RDP) was helping the sectors in need in a focused manner.
“I am convinced there will be lots of financed projects for wine processing by 2020. Let us see what will happen after receiving the first projects at the end of this year and let us see what capacity for aid we will have afterwards. EUR 270 million is the sum only under this measure so wine processing is explicitly permissible,” the official commented.
Vasil Grudev explained the programme for aiding the vine and wine sector had a stable budget that was larger than the previous programme period and only projects from the sector were permissible under it.
The event was organised by Bulgaria’s National Vine and Wine Chamber.
“The budget of the programme amounts to EUR 133 million, which is admissible solely for this sector, in the 2014-2018 period. We have a joint ambition but let everyone be aware the sector is not excluded from financing,” Grudev stated.
He explained the idea behind the Rural Development Programme (RDP) was helping the sectors in need in a focused manner.
“I am convinced there will be lots of financed projects for wine processing by 2020. Let us see what will happen after receiving the first projects at the end of this year and let us see what capacity for aid we will have afterwards. EUR 270 million is the sum only under this measure so wine processing is explicitly permissible,” the official commented.
Vasil Grudev explained the programme for aiding the vine and wine sector had a stable budget that was larger than the previous programme period and only projects from the sector were permissible under it.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/259121_Wine+sector+only+one+with+separate+programme+for+it%3A+Bulgaria+deputy+minister
Публикувана на 10/21/15 09:10 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/259121_Wine+sector+only+one+with+separate+programme+for+it%3A+Bulgaria+deputy+minister
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