10/22/15 09:16
Laura Thompson, deputy director general of IOM, on Bulgaria and current migration trends

The public lecture on Current Migration Trends organized by the Atlantic Club of Bulgaria was held amid great interest in Bulgaria's capital Sofia on October 20. It was attended by representatives of diplomatic missions in Sofia from Turkey, Greece, Israel, as well as many representatives of migration services, the business sector and the media. Lecturer on this important issue that affects all countries in Europe and around the world was Laura Thompson - Deputy Director General of the International Organization for Migration.
In her lecture she presented data of authoritative international organizations, from which one can easily infer trends globally, as the main conclusion seems to be that the 21st century is the century of migration. "Human mobility today is a pronounced phenomenon, it is a phenomenon that is present everywhere, in all directions," Laura Thompson stressed in her lecture
ata of the International Organization for Migration indicates that 60 million people have moved to live in another place because of political conflicts in their hometowns. For the first time there are such high levels of emigration after World War II. "Already 9 percent of the labor market in the EU is generated by the migrants," emphasized Laura Thompson and presented data regarding Bulgaria. According to the Organization for Migration, more than 23,500 refugees, migrants and asylum seekers have arrived in Bulgaria from the beginning of 2015 until now.
Source: BNR
In her lecture she presented data of authoritative international organizations, from which one can easily infer trends globally, as the main conclusion seems to be that the 21st century is the century of migration. "Human mobility today is a pronounced phenomenon, it is a phenomenon that is present everywhere, in all directions," Laura Thompson stressed in her lecture
ata of the International Organization for Migration indicates that 60 million people have moved to live in another place because of political conflicts in their hometowns. For the first time there are such high levels of emigration after World War II. "Already 9 percent of the labor market in the EU is generated by the migrants," emphasized Laura Thompson and presented data regarding Bulgaria. According to the Organization for Migration, more than 23,500 refugees, migrants and asylum seekers have arrived in Bulgaria from the beginning of 2015 until now.
Source: BNR
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Публикувана на 10/22/15 09:16 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/259132_Laura+Thompson%2C+deputy+director+general+of+IOM%2C+on+Bulgaria+and+current+migration+trends
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