10/26/15 07:52
Volen Siderov storms NATFA again (ROUNDUP)

Leader of Ataka Volen Siderov entered the National Academy for Theatre and Film Arts (NATFA) for a second time this week, claiming that a NATFA student or employee had hit him. Siderov explained he entered the university to look for his attacker.
Lyubomir Halachev, Rector of National Academy for Theatre and Film Arts (NATFA) Krastyo Sarafov, and security guards of NATFA submitted two signals to the police authorises at 21:56 and 22:10 Bulgarian time. Halachev requested police assistance regarding a group that had stormed NATFA building and violated the autonomy of the university, the press office of the Ministry of Interior announced, as cited by Focus News Agency. Police officers of the Regional Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior, Sofia, were sent immediately. Upon arrival, the police officers found that a conflict between the students of NATFA and a group of Ataka members had occurred. At 23:00 Bulgarian time, tensions sharply grew. The officers took action within their powers to prevent further escalation of the conflict. The situation is under control now and Ataka members were escorted from the building. One person has been detained in compliance with article 325 of the Penalty Code. Actions to clarify all circumstances of the case continue.
Ataka leader Volen Siderov was taken to 1st Regional Police Department by ambulance, a FOCUS Information Agency reporter learnt. Siderov had visible injuries. He declined to comment on the events that took place in front of the National Academy for Theatre and Film Arts (NATFA). His lawyer Yavor Notev told journalists that Siderov received a medical examination at the police department with the purpose of establishing and describing his injuries in detail.
Leader of Ataka Volen Siderov was taken to Pirogov Hospital, the press office of the hospital told Focus News Agency. Currently, paramedics are examining Siderov.
The leader of the Ataka party Volen Siderov told journalists that he had been beaten by the police by order of PM Boyko Borisov and the Prosecutor’s General Sotir Tsatsarov, FOCUS Information Agency reports. In Siderov’s words an attempt had been made on his life. He noted that the events had been recorded on camera. He stated that by bursting into the National Academy for Theatre and Film Arts (NATFA) he had fulfilled his civil duty as marijuana was being sold freely in the area around the higher educational institution.
Lyubomir Halachev, Rector of National Academy for Theatre and Film Arts (NATFA) Krastyo Sarafov, and security guards of NATFA submitted two signals to the police authorises at 21:56 and 22:10 Bulgarian time. Halachev requested police assistance regarding a group that had stormed NATFA building and violated the autonomy of the university, the press office of the Ministry of Interior announced, as cited by Focus News Agency. Police officers of the Regional Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior, Sofia, were sent immediately. Upon arrival, the police officers found that a conflict between the students of NATFA and a group of Ataka members had occurred. At 23:00 Bulgarian time, tensions sharply grew. The officers took action within their powers to prevent further escalation of the conflict. The situation is under control now and Ataka members were escorted from the building. One person has been detained in compliance with article 325 of the Penalty Code. Actions to clarify all circumstances of the case continue.
Ataka leader Volen Siderov was taken to 1st Regional Police Department by ambulance, a FOCUS Information Agency reporter learnt. Siderov had visible injuries. He declined to comment on the events that took place in front of the National Academy for Theatre and Film Arts (NATFA). His lawyer Yavor Notev told journalists that Siderov received a medical examination at the police department with the purpose of establishing and describing his injuries in detail.
Leader of Ataka Volen Siderov was taken to Pirogov Hospital, the press office of the hospital told Focus News Agency. Currently, paramedics are examining Siderov.
The leader of the Ataka party Volen Siderov told journalists that he had been beaten by the police by order of PM Boyko Borisov and the Prosecutor’s General Sotir Tsatsarov, FOCUS Information Agency reports. In Siderov’s words an attempt had been made on his life. He noted that the events had been recorded on camera. He stated that by bursting into the National Academy for Theatre and Film Arts (NATFA) he had fulfilled his civil duty as marijuana was being sold freely in the area around the higher educational institution.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/259351_Volen+Siderov+storms+NATFA+again+%28ROUNDUP%29
Публикувана на 10/26/15 07:52 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/259351_Volen+Siderov+storms+NATFA+again+%28ROUNDUP%29
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