10/28/15 08:39
Bulgaria was and continues to be industrial power: President

“Bulgaria was and continues to be an industrial power,” said Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev, speaking during solemn celebrations dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Technical University of Sofia.
“I attended the inauguration of your modern library and the presentation of cars consuming less than 2 litres [of fuel] per 100 kilometres, which the world started to look at. I was with you when we dreamt about the first innovation ecosystem of Bulgaria, which is already happening,” Plevneliev recalled.
“I will be with you, I stay with you as one of you. The Bulgarian President is an engineer and an alumnus of the Technical University and I am proud of that,” the Head of State was explicit.
In his words, engineers in Bulgaria nowadays play a decisive role and they have always had it.
“Bulgaria is a country of factories and modern technologies. Bulgaria has the ambition to be a serious “player” and leader in the region in the field of IT and communication technologies, in the field of outsourcing, in the sphere of car and machine manufacture, in chemistry, food production, and many other sectors,” Rosen Plevneliev commented.
“’We have achieved a lot – the Technical University has a glorious past. Bulgaria was in second place in the world in terms of volume of trade in calculating device components in the 1980s. The country made lots of progress and when we look back, we see the glorious past but want to look into the glorious future we will build on our own as engineers can do it,” the President stated.
Rosen Plevneliev conferred an order for honour and a certificate of honour on the Technical University of Sofia.
Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov and Tsetska Tsacheva, Chairperson of the National Assembly, sent addresses, greeting the university on the occasion of the anniversary.
“I attended the inauguration of your modern library and the presentation of cars consuming less than 2 litres [of fuel] per 100 kilometres, which the world started to look at. I was with you when we dreamt about the first innovation ecosystem of Bulgaria, which is already happening,” Plevneliev recalled.
“I will be with you, I stay with you as one of you. The Bulgarian President is an engineer and an alumnus of the Technical University and I am proud of that,” the Head of State was explicit.
In his words, engineers in Bulgaria nowadays play a decisive role and they have always had it.
“Bulgaria is a country of factories and modern technologies. Bulgaria has the ambition to be a serious “player” and leader in the region in the field of IT and communication technologies, in the field of outsourcing, in the sphere of car and machine manufacture, in chemistry, food production, and many other sectors,” Rosen Plevneliev commented.
“’We have achieved a lot – the Technical University has a glorious past. Bulgaria was in second place in the world in terms of volume of trade in calculating device components in the 1980s. The country made lots of progress and when we look back, we see the glorious past but want to look into the glorious future we will build on our own as engineers can do it,” the President stated.
Rosen Plevneliev conferred an order for honour and a certificate of honour on the Technical University of Sofia.
Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov and Tsetska Tsacheva, Chairperson of the National Assembly, sent addresses, greeting the university on the occasion of the anniversary.
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Публикувана на 10/28/15 08:39 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/259464_Bulgaria+was+and+continues+to+be+industrial+power%3A+President
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