10/30/15 08:07
Bulgarian President Unveils Picasso Exhibition at National Art Gallery in Sofia

Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev unveiled an exhibition of works of art by Pablo Picasso at the National Art Gallery in Sofia on Thursday.
The exhibition entitled “Picasso: the eternal quest” features more than 70 original works of art, which have been specially selected from the Birthplace Museum of the Spanish painter in Malaga.
A total of 78 lithographies and 7 ceramics created between 1920 and 1971 will remain on display in Sofia until 25 January 2016.
The exhibition has been agreed a year ago and has been organised with the support of the Spannish embassy in Sofia.
Plevneliev noted that the messages conveyed in Picasso's paintings exceed the boundaries of art with their political, social and universal character.
He expressed delight that Bulgarians, the visitors to the country and art lovers from all parts of the world are more often able to admire the best specimens of world art in the country's galleries and museums.
His Excellency Jose Luis Tapia, Spanish ambassador to Sofia, pointed out that Picasso is a true carrier of the Spanish creative spirit.
He added that the exhibition of his works of art in Sofia was an attestation that Spain held Bulgaria in high esteem.
The Spanish ambassador highlighted that a large, active and fully integrated Bulgarian community lives in Spain.
According to him, Bulgarians in Spain not only contribute to the development of the country, but also impress with their literacy.
The official opening ceremony was attended by representatives of the executive, diplomatic corps and art world.
The exhibition entitled “Picasso: the eternal quest” features more than 70 original works of art, which have been specially selected from the Birthplace Museum of the Spanish painter in Malaga.
A total of 78 lithographies and 7 ceramics created between 1920 and 1971 will remain on display in Sofia until 25 January 2016.
The exhibition has been agreed a year ago and has been organised with the support of the Spannish embassy in Sofia.
Plevneliev noted that the messages conveyed in Picasso's paintings exceed the boundaries of art with their political, social and universal character.
He expressed delight that Bulgarians, the visitors to the country and art lovers from all parts of the world are more often able to admire the best specimens of world art in the country's galleries and museums.
His Excellency Jose Luis Tapia, Spanish ambassador to Sofia, pointed out that Picasso is a true carrier of the Spanish creative spirit.
He added that the exhibition of his works of art in Sofia was an attestation that Spain held Bulgaria in high esteem.
The Spanish ambassador highlighted that a large, active and fully integrated Bulgarian community lives in Spain.
According to him, Bulgarians in Spain not only contribute to the development of the country, but also impress with their literacy.
The official opening ceremony was attended by representatives of the executive, diplomatic corps and art world.
Прочети цялата новина http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/259554_Bulgarian+President+Unveils+Picasso+Exhibition+at+National+Art+Gallery+in+Sofia+
Публикувана на 10/30/15 08:07 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/259554_Bulgarian+President+Unveils+Picasso+Exhibition+at+National+Art+Gallery+in+Sofia+
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